Burmese refugee woman gang raped

Burmese refugee woman gang raped
Teknaf, Bangladesh: A Burmese unregistered refugee woman was gang raped in front of her child on September 16 at around 9: 30 pm when she was entering the Lada refugee camp, said a close relative ...

Teknaf, Bangladesh: A Burmese unregistered refugee woman was gang raped in front of her child on September 16 at around 9: 30 pm when she was entering the Lada refugee camp, said a close relative of the victim.

The victim was identified as Hasina (25) (not real name) from Block No. xxx and room no. xxx of the Lada refugee camp.

On September 16, the victim was returning home along with her son following a visit to her husband working in Chittagong. She took some money from him for food for the fasting month of Ramadan. Mother and child got down from the bus at the junction of Aktel Tower of Lada and entered to the road of the Lada refugee camp at about 9pm, he added.

The woman was attacked by four local youths who gang raped her in front of her son in the paddy field near the junction. She fell unconscious. The rapists took away 10,000 Taka and a pair of earnings. At that point the boy screamed for help. Hearing him local villagers rushed to the spot and took her to the camp in a critical condition. She remained unconscious through the night, he added.

On September 17, she was admitted at Teknaf hospital through the Islamic Relief (IR) clinic. Then she was referred to Cox's Bazaar Sadar hospital for better treatment, said a community health worker.

One of the rapists was caught by locals and handed over to the refugee camp but other locals attacked the refugee camp and took him away from the camp on September 17, said an elder in the camp.

The rapists were identified as Lukmal, Mohiuddin, Zafar and Kamal from Lada village under Teknaf union.

A report was filed in Teknaf police station.