Western Command Commander orders greening of Ann

Western Command Commander orders greening of Ann
by -
Kaladan News
Ann, Arakan State: The Western Command Commander has ordered the people of Arakan to convert Ann to a green town in the monsoons. The directives came at a meeting of the authorities at the Western Command Headquarters in Ann on August 10, according to sources.

Ann, Arakan State: The Western Command Commander has ordered the people of Arakan to convert Ann to a green town in the monsoons. The directives came at a meeting of the authorities at the Western Command Headquarters in Ann on August 10, according to sources.

During the meeting the Commander Major General Thaung Aye discussed with army officers about the other 17 towns of Arakan State and how to make it lush green. Ways to collect funds for the greening of Ann also featured in the talks. The Western Command is located in Ann.

At the meeting all the high ranking army officers from the 17 towns decided to collect Kyat 800,000 from each township and send it to the Western Command office by the end of August 30.

The greening of Ann was started by the former commander Major General Maung Shine last March and he collected funds from the 17 townships in Arakan for the project. But the former commander did not do anything about the project and the collected funds went with him when he was transferred to Naypaydaw with a promotion. Now, the new commander has started the project again affecting the people of Arakan for the second time.

On the other hand, in Kyaukpru town, the Burmese Army's Infantry Battalion 34 has been trying to green Kyaukpru by growing trees in the rainy season. The authorities have been selling five saplings of five species to the people at Kyat 500 per sapling, said a local elder.