Ten Rohingya pushed back into Burma

Ten Rohingya pushed back into Burma
by -
Kaladan Press

Teknaf, Bangladesh: Ten Rohingyas were arrested and pushed back into Burma by Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) on July 22nd, according to a local from Teknaf Town named Kamal.

“They were arrested from the Jadimora entry point under the [jurisdiction of] Teknaf Police Station while entering Bangladesh illegally.”
The operation was led by BGB officer Toribur Rahaman from BGB’s Dudum Meah outpost, according to a BGB official.
Six Rohingyas, including three women, were arrested at the salt fields in the Musoni area—which is also under the Teknaf Police Station’s jurisdiction. The BGB official said they were attempting to enter the Nayapara refugee camp.
Later that day, four other Rohingyas were arrested at the Nayapara entry point by BGB members after the border guards had finished conducting their planned operations. The operations were led by BGB officer Muzzemel, according to a BGB assistant.
However, Lt. Col. Abu Jar Al Jahid from Teknaf Battalion No. 42 confirmed that all the Rohingyas that were arrested got pushed back into Burma after being investigated.
According to local sources, some Rohingyas try to enter Bangladesh from Burma looking for work because Rohingyas in Arakan State are faced with a lack of job opportunities; restrictions on their freedom of movement; and discrimination.