Rohingya prisoner after being tortured

Rohingya prisoner after being tortured
by -
Kaladan Press

A Rohingya prisoner has died after suffering from various illnesses resulting from months of torture while incarcerated in Buthidaung jail, said a relative of the victim.

The deceased prisoner that has been identified as: Mohamed Yunus, 64; son of Quilla Meah, from Nurullah Para (village) in Baggona village tract, Maungdaw Township, died at 11 pm on Sept. 20.

An elder from his village that didn’t want their name used told the Kaladanpress that Yunus was an elder and not involved in any anti-government activity. However state security forces still arrested him on July 6 of 2012 for participating in the sectarian violence.

After the first outbreak of violence, Burma’s former border force Nasaka in cooperation with police and army, arbitrarily arrested many Rohingya villagers; even young boys. While under arrest they were severely tortured, some even killed. The survivors were sent to Buthidaung jail, according to information documented by international rights groups.

Over year has passed, yet many innocent Rohingyas prisoners still languish behind bars in Buthidaung jail suffering deplorable conditions. They face regular torture at the hands of their jail guards, confined in overcrowded and tiny unhygienic cells.

One person that didn’t want their name used told the Kaladanpress the prisoners are given very little food and lack adequate medicine, clothes and clean drinking water.

Reports have also emerged of Rakhine villagers torturing prisoners on their way to court from the jail. According to information that Kaladanpress has obtained, police dragged them in front of the villagers and allowed them to taunt and torture them on the roadsides near their villages.