3 warships anchored in Naf River

3 warships anchored in Naf River
by -
Kaladan Press

Three Burmese warships have recently been anchored along the Burma side of Naf River in Poung Zarr (Ashika para), Alay than Kyaw and Kyauk pundhu ( Sitar Pawrika) villages. Marine officers were seen shopping  in the market in  Poungzarr on July 14 a day after the ships were spotted, according to a Maungdaw village administration officer.

Recent news of Nasaka being dissolved  brought relief to the Rohingya community. But it was short lived.  The recent arrival of the warships is making the community anxious about what will come next.

“What the government’s plan with us is still unclear,” said a schoolteacher who wonders if the new reinforcements could be taking the place of Nasaka.

The government hasn’t stated “their reasons” for abandoning Nasaka. The notorious border guard force started by former Gen. Khin Nyunt regularly employed extortion and even torture against the state’s Muslim population.

“There were rumors of Rohingya youths involved in military training inside Arakan state that both the state government and former Nasaka director denied,” said the schoolteacher.

“Now that reinforcements” have arrived perhaps the government is now taking “these rumors” seriously.

Although the Rohingya community has suffered gross  human rights violation at the hands of state and central authorities, and also extremist Rakhines for decades, they have not taken up arms.

Maybe now Rohingya youths are getting military training to protect their communities, according to Maungdaw politician that didn’t want his name used.

“No one can oppress and harass, if the people become unity and protecting themselves.”