No security for Rohingyas livestock

No security for Rohingyas livestock
by -
Kaladan Press

Rohingyas not only have to worry about the security of their properties in Arakan state, they also have worry about their livestock being stolen.

Natala (resettled Rakhine or Burman) villagers frequently steal Rohingyas’ cattle and extort money. The resettled villagers that are being used as pawns by Nasaka (Burma’s border guard force) harass Rohingyas in so many ways, said a local elder preferring not to be named.

Nasaka is encouraging these kinds of thefts by not punishing those responsible, said a youth from the area.

Three cows were recently stolen by Natala villagers who gave them to Nasaka in southern Maungdaw, a local trader said on condition of anonymity.

“The cows were picked up by the Natala villagers of Sommona village on June 15.”

The owner of the stolen cows have been identified as Fazal Korim, 50; son of Muzher, from Khonzar Bill village in the Aley Than Kyaw village tract, Maungdaw Township.

As soon as Fazal find out about the theft he reported it to the Nasaka camp in Sommona under area 7. But officers asked why he was complaining, then they arrested and tortured him. Both the owner and the cows were released later that evening after relatives paid a 40,000 Kyat bribe.

Villagers fearful their cattle will be stolen if they let them graze near a nearby forest are finding it increasingly difficult to feed them.