Rohingya villagers detain a Natala attacker

Rohingya villagers detain a Natala attacker
by -
Kaladan Press

A Rakhine man that was caught trying to torch homes in a Rohingya village told authorities that he was kidnapped and tortured by residents while collecting frogs near the village.

U Aung Than was recently nabbed by Du Cheradan ( Kilaidaung) villagers for trying to attack the village with 8 others that managed to escape. Villagers handed the attacker from Kharay Myin model village in southern Maungdaw to Nasaka (Burma’s notorious border guard force). Nasaka immediately released him despite telling villagers they would be contacted once an investigation is opened.

U Aung Than was sent to a village clinic by his family members after his release, and then opened a case with the local authorities.

One trader pointed out that Rohingyas haven’t been able to leave their villages at night since the last year’s sectarian so how could they have left their village to kidnap U Aung Than.   

“We have being kept in our village since last year June under 144 section that is only imposed on the Rohingya community.”

One village elder said that  “these kinds of events” frequently happen when they try to get help from Nasaka who never “take heed”.

There is law and no protection for the Rohingya community in Arakan state, according to a local businessman on condition of anonymity. Nasaka encourages Natala villagers (resettled Rakhines) to harass  Rohingya villagers.