Rohingya lose farms for new road

Rohingya lose farms for new road
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A new road that will connect Aley Than Kyaw to the Maungdaw highway cuts through Rohingyas farms, an affected villager said on condition of anonymity. About 100 acres of farmland will be lost, according to the villager.

Rakhine villagers were using the road before sectarian violence erupted last year, but now they want a separate road, according tolocal sources.

Sultan, one of the farmers who lost his livelihood after authorities seized his land for the road, has no other way to feed his family. A village leader said that many people will become destitute, and could face starvation because of the displacement.

Others who will be affected have been identified as: Kamal, 45; son of Hussain Ahmed from Khonza Bill (village), Abdu Goffar, 40; son of Azhar Meah, Eliyas, 40, Fozaran, and Ali Zuhar, 50; son of Lalmat.