Security forces shoot and wound Rohingya in Maungdaw

Security forces shoot and wound Rohingya in Maungdaw
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Police shot a Rohingya villager from Maungni village in Maungdaw Township, according to a school teacher.

The school teacher told Kaladanpress that the police wounded the man in the presence of township administration and district administration officers when returning home after visiting neighbors.

Nothing was said to the police officers that shot the man even though the man didn’t do anything to provoke them, nor was he was running away, said the school teacher.

Officials claimed that security forces were feeling uneasy following a recent Bangladesh based protest called the Long March for Muslim organized by the Islami Andolaon Bangladesh (IAB) to protest the genocide against Muslims in Burma.

“The security forces are high alert in Maungdaw after the Long March (started) and are harassing Rohingya community.”

They fear the protestors will try to march through Maungdaw. However a politician from Cox’s Bazar said the protest will follow the border, and not enter Burma.