Rohingya villagers face starvation

Rohingya villagers face starvation
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Rohingya affected by the mob violence in June are struggling to survive after the military has locked them in their villages in Rathidaung Township. They have very little food and scarce materials on hand to re-construct shelters. As winter approaches and the temperatures drop the situation will only worse. There is no medicine on hand to treat the illnesses that will likely occur.

One rice farmer said he can’t till his crops anymore because the military restricts his movement.

His family only has one meal a day. But there are some days when they don’t eat anything.

“When the children cry for food, we feed them cooked banana stems.”

An elder from another village said they were starving. About 3000 people live like caged animals in his village. They can’t leave except to go to a nearby market but only after getting permission from the military.

Although some relief has arrived in the township it’s still not enough to end the suffering, or to ward off the hunger pains for the thousands who go to bed every night hungry.