Burma Army Arrests A Rohingya Youth From Maungdaw

Burma Army Arrests A Rohingya Youth From Maungdaw
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Another Rohingya youth was has been arrested by the Burma army last week in Maungdaw Town over allegations that he was involved in sectarian violence on June 8.

In the last month, many people have been picked up by authorities and charged with instigating violence between Muslims and Buddhists. But the Rohingya community claim most of the charges are false and are being used to extort money.

 Moulvi Mohamed Alam, 25, son of Abdu Shukur, was arrested by Major Ray Wint Aung, the Deputy Commander of Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No. 352, in his village  Nurulla Para. The youth was told he would be released if he paid an expensive bribe, according to a neighbor. But he didn’t have the money and is still in custody.

Over 1000 Rohingya has been arrested since June; many of them have suffered torture at the hands of authorities, according to locals.