Corpses Found Floating In The Water In Maungdaw South

Corpses Found Floating In The Water In Maungdaw South
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Several corpses washed up to the shore near Udaung Village in Maungdaw south, on Oct. 28, according to one local, who didn’t want his name used.

“Villagers believe the dead bodies are probably Rohingya who fled from Kyaukpru and tried to take shelter in Maungdaw south.”

Locals speculate that the Burmese security force Nasaka probably didn’t allow the people to get food and medicine and pushed them back in the water where they perished.

One fishing man said that the people probably drown after the boat capsized due to bad weather or from an attack by Burmese security forces. 
After locals informed Nasaka personal they made the villagers push the corpses back out into the deep water, according to an elder.