Police Arrest Two Rohingya Youth

Police Arrest Two Rohingya Youth
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Police arrested two Rohingya youths from Bomu Para, in the evening, on Oct. 30, according to an elder from Maungdaw.

“Sergeant U Hla Myint - who’s well known for extorting money from the Rohingya community - and several other police officers arrived with a list of names that they claim named individuals who took part in the June riot.”

U Hla Myint always enters Rohingya homes without a proper search warrant. If the owner is female and asks why he entered their home illegally, the sergeant will tell them he’s looking for a person on his 'so called' warrant list, according to a village administration office officer.

Police have been arresting many Rohingya villagers they claim were involved in the June riot, according a business man from Maungdaw Town. But many people in the community believe the arrests are based on trump up charges so the police can extort money.