Nasaka kill Rohingya Woman

Nasaka kill Rohingya Woman
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Maungdaw, Arakan State:  A Rohingya woman was killed by Burma’s border security force (Nasaka) in her home after she tried to stop them from arresting her son, accused of using a mobile phone with  a Bangladesh SIM card, according to a relative.

The victim; Ms Hasina Khatun (50), wife of Sheraz, from Oo Shaikya (Bura Shida Para) village, in Maungdaw north, was allegedly killed by the security forces on Oct.22.

“Around 10 pm, Nasaka from Area No.5 went to the victim’s house to arrest her son, Noor Mohamed, over allegations he had a Bangladesh mobile phone. But they didn’t find it,” said a relative who didn’t want her name used.

According to the relative, they still tried to arrest the youth. When the mother tried to stop them they hit her on the head with the butt of a gun, killing her. After, they returned to their camp.

Later, villagers went to the Nasaka camp to complain. The commander told them they will look into the situation.

According to a local elder who did not want his named used,  Nasaka Director Lt Col Maung Maung Oo and other personnel went to the village and ordered villagers to bury the woman’s corpse, the following day.