Burmese Muslims Won’t Celebrate Eid al- Adha To Protest Violence

Burmese Muslims Won’t Celebrate Eid al- Adha To Protest Violence
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Rangoon, Burma: The Burmese Muslims Association (BMA) in Rangoon announced that the Muslims of Burma decided not to celebrate the Eid al-Adha this year, to protest the violence they claim has been perpetuated against Rohingya Muslims in Arakan State.

“We don’t want to celebrate Eid al-Adha, while our brothers and sisters are facing such a horrible situation. They are being murdered and their villages are being burned down in Arakan State. Also the government hasn’t been able to guarantee the security for the Eid festival. These are the reasons the celebration has been suspended,” explained one unnamed BMA member.  

Muslims living in Mandalay, Karen and Mon states have expressed similar fears about going ahead with celebrations this year, which normally takes place from Oct.23-27.

“Five Muslim organizations (in Burma) sent a joint-letter to the president, requesting protection for our brothers and sisters in Arakan State. But we are still waiting for a reply,” said Muslim leader from Rangoon.

Rohingyas in Maungdaw, also declared they wouldn’t be celebrating Eid-ul-Azha, according one unnamed elder.

“It’s the first time; Eid al-Adha won’t be celebrated in Maungdaw.”

On October 23, about 5000 Burmese Muslims tried to hold a demonstration in Rangoon against the attacks on Muslim Rohingya people by Buddhist Rakhine, in Arakan State. But the government didn’t give them permission to hold the protest.