More Rohingyas Arrested In Maungdaw South

More Rohingyas Arrested In Maungdaw South
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Nasaka (Burma’s border security force) arrested several Rohingyas on charges of participating in violence during sectarian unrest in June, in Maungdaw south, according to a villager, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

“A group of Nasaka personnel went to the Barsara village tract and arrested two villagers, Mohamed Jalil (45), and Jakaria (50), while they were sleeping, on October 13.”

While in custody, Mohamed Jalil was severely beaten up by the Nasaka personnel, but was released after paying Kyat 100,000. Jakaria, who was unable to pay the bribe, is still being held, said schoolteacher, who didn’t want to be named.

The next day, Rashidullah (30), from Udaung village, Maungdaw south, was also arrested by the Nasaka on October 14, according to a relative.

On October 11, Nasaka personnel also arrested two villagers, Sayed Alam (30), and Pir Ahmed (32), from Myint Hlut village tract. They were tortured and detained in Nasaka area No. 8, according to an elder from Myint Hlut.

 “The three Rohingya villagers; Syed Alam, Pir Ahmed and Rashidullah, are still being detained in the Nasaka camp because they can’t pay the bribes."