Border Security Forces Extorts Money From Families In Maungdaw South

Border Security Forces Extorts Money From Families In Maungdaw South
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Burma’s border security force, Nasaka, checked family lists, houses and shops in Maungdaw south recently, according to a Nasaka aide, in Aley Than Kyaw.

“Nasaka personnel checked every family’s house and shop built after the communal violence.”

Yesterday, a Nasaka personnel group, from Nasaka area No. 7, went to every house in Khonza Bill village. Earlier, they also checked the family lists and houses in Aley Than Kyaw village tract.

Although Nasaka found new building houses and shops in Khonza Bill, these houses were built after getting permission from the Township Administrator office, according to one source who did not want to be named.

“It’s nothing but a way for them to extort money from Rohingya villagers,” according to an unnamed elder from Aley Than Kyaw.

“How long will we have to put up with this quasi-civilian government?”

One villager had to pay 20, 000 Kyat (US $23.43) to Nasaka personnel, but four other villagers who couldn’t pay had their family lists taken away, and were told to come to the security force’s camp, according to an unnamed source.

Some of the home owners were: Kabir Ahmed (30), Sayed Karim (32), Azam Ullah (30), Aman Ullah (35), Toyub (28), from Khonza Bill.