Heavy Rains Make Hundreds Homeless in Kutupalong Unregistered Camp

Heavy Rains Make Hundreds Homeless in Kutupalong Unregistered Camp
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Strong winds and heavy rainfall have destroyed more than one-hundred refugees’ huts in Kutupalong unregistered camp, where thousands of refugees from Burma's northern Rakhine State reside.

 “The wind and heavy rain destroyed most of the roofs and in some cases the whole huts,” said Huseein, an elder at the camp.

The storm, on May 4, has left 150 people, from 10 huts, without permanent shelter.

Now they have no choice but to sleep under tarps propped up by wood posts, according to Huseein.

Five schools managed by Home Education were also destroyed.

Ironically, the storm which started at about 9 a.m. and lasted for two-hours occurred after students had received free jerseys from a member of the organisation.

Teachers were forced to shift the classrooms to schools not destroyed by the storm.

“In the morning, the school’s roofs were blown off by the strong wind. Heavy rains caused the floors and walls to collapse,” said Mohamed Syed Noor, a parent of one of the students.

Ten additional schools lost their roofs from the storm but the building structures were not affected.

If there is more rain the exposed schools could suffer further damage and classes would need to be moved or even cancelled.

“We need to repair the schools soon, or it will be difficult to manage classes during the rainy season,” said a teacher at the camp.