Woman arrested for alleged love affairs in Maungdaw

Woman arrested for alleged love affairs in Maungdaw
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Maungdaw, Arakan State: A woman was arrested by the Nasaka (Burma’s border security force) on December 15, in Maungdaw Township, for alleged involvement in illicit affairs with two local boys six months ago, according to a relative of the woman, who spoke on condition of anonymity. 

“The arrestee was identified as Ms Mostafa Khatun (35), wife of Haso, who hails from Naribill (Kyauk Pyin Seik) village, of Maungdaw Township. Her husband is now living in Malaysia. She has three children; the eldest daughter is about 15 years old,” the source said.

A group of Nasaka personnel from Nari Bill Nasaka out-post went to the village and arrested Ms. Mostafa on the night of December 15th and kept her in their camp, where they demanded kyat 200,000 for her release. She was released that night after relatives paid the money.
The Nasaka, with the cooperation of Korim Mullah, an informant in the case, also arrested Mohamed Rofique (30), son of Mostabiz, and Sadam Hussain (18), son of Han Puru, from the same village. The two youths were arrested over the accusation that they had illicit affairs with Ms. Mostafa.

“Nasaka knows that they will get money from them, if they are threatened,” a relative of one of the youths said.

However, Rofique was released after paying Kyat 200,000, and Sadam Hussain was released after paying Kyat 100.000 to the Nasaka, according to a close relative of Rofique.
“The two youths had not been involved in any illicit affairs with her, as they have good character. Ms. Mostafa is also a good woman. We live in the village, so, we know all of them. It is only fabricated allegations against them to extort money,” a local elder from the village, who asked not to be named, said.

A religious leader said, “This allegation is detrimental to the dignity of Ms. Mostafa and her husband in Malaysia, who is working hard for his family.”