Security officers create false cases to extort money in Maungdaw

Security officers create false cases to extort money in Maungdaw
by -
Kaladan Press

Maungdaw, Arakan State: Security officers and their collaborators are creating false cases to extort money from the Rohingya community in Maungdaw, said an elder from Maungdaw Block 3.

“Security Officer Than Tun, a corporal surveillance officer at the District Police Department of Maungdaw, with his collaborator put a packet of Yaba methamphetamine tablets under the stairway of Kala’s (also known as Aung Naing Soe) house in Myoma Kyayoungdan Village during the night of December 14.”

“The collaborator is also from Myoma Kyayoungdan Village, and is able to go the victim’s house anytime without fear or doubt.” 

The security officer Than Tun consulted with one of his colleagues from the police department where his colleague advised him to inform the office to raid Kala’s house. Corporal Than Tun delayed his operation to arrest Kala and to extort money from him following his plan, said a politician from Maungdaw.

“However, the colleague of Than Tun informed Kala about the details of the plan of the security officer to arrest and to extort the money. Kala then went to the Burma Border Security Force (Nasaka) headquarters and reported all the details of the creation of the false case. The Nasaka personnel from the headquarters checked the report as per Kala’s information, and the Nasaka personnel found and arrested the collaborator and security officer for interrogation. But the security officer was free in the office while the collaborator was kept in detention.”

“The officer had given a bribe to the Nasaka investigation officer, and the officer was set free.”

Similarly, Mohamed Siddque and Eliyas, who hail from Shwezar Village, were arrested by Nasaka Captain Nay Win Min Tun with false allegations of being drug smugglers. The two were kept in Nasaka Outpost Camp No. 14. They were released after paying 500,000 kyat and one million kyat, respectively, to the Nasaka, said a Village Administration office member.

“Nasaka Captain Nay Win Min Tun is working with his collaborator Rashid, who faced a drug trafficking case at Nasaka headquarters and is now working for the Nasaka by harassing and disturbing the Shwezar villagers to extort money.”

“These false cases are created to extort money from the Rohingya community and to harass the people.”