Protection workshop held in Nayapara Refugee Camp

Protection workshop held in Nayapara Refugee Camp
by -
Kaladan Press

Teknaf, Bangladesh: A workshop was held in Nayapara Refugee Camp today at about 10 am. The workshop focused on the worsening state of law and order in the camp, said a refugee teacher from the camp.

“This workshop was held in the community center of the camp with 55 refugees: refugee committee members, Imam (religious leaders), refugee teachers, respectable persons, and others.”

“The workshop was organized by the UNHCR and the Protection Officer Sandar, Assistant Protection Officer Istial, and Ms. Sirins who gave a speech during the workshop and said that if anyone is involved in a rape case, murder case, human trafficking, attempt to murder case, etc., they must go to the court for trial. So, they asked the refugees to avoid these crimes.”

In addition, the UNHCR officials asked the refugees about the reasons for some refugees attempting to go to of Malaysia with risky journeys recently, said a refugee Imam.

“The refugees want to escape from forced repatriation to Burma by the Bangladeshi government. The refugees fear the repatriation will be started soon like before,” said a refugee leader.

“We have no opportunity to resettle in a third country, and the Burmese government will not receive us with full citizenship rights. As a result, we are going to Malaysia on risky voyages,” said a refugee committee member.

Recently, many refugees have attempted to travel to Malaysia from Bangladesh.

The workshop was completed at around 1 pm.