Authority seize 5 million fake notes in Maungdaw

Authority seize 5 million fake notes in Maungdaw
by -
Kaladan Press

Maungdaw, Arakan state: The Military Intelligent Service officer from Burma border security force (Nasaka) area number 5 and the village administration officer of Launddon had seized 5 million Burmese fake notes from a Rohingya on October 9, said an elder from launddon village.

“Abdul Latif was arrested for holding 5 million Burmese fake notes which all are in the size of Burmese 5000 note.”

U Myint Than, the Military Intelligent Service (MIS) officer from Burma border security force (Nasaka) area number 5 and U Thein Nyunt, the village administration officer of Launddon had arrested  Abdul Latif in his home with 5 million fake notes at about 11:00 am , said a member of village administration office of Launddon.

“The two officers seized the fake notes and released Abdul Latif from village administration office after receiving 2.5 million kyats.”

“The local Rohingya villagers are worried for the seized Burmese fake notes by MIS officer U Myint Than which was not shown to the office and may be used for extorting of money from innocent Rohingya community.”

“It is common tactic for authority to extort money, putting Bangladeshi mobile, Yaba in the home or compound,” said a school teacher from Kyein Chaung village. “To put fake notes in the compound, home or shop is very easy for authority by their collaborators.”