Nayapara camp gets new CMC members

Nayapara camp gets new CMC members
by -
Kaladan Press

Teknaf, Bangladesh: A new Camp Management Committee (CMC) was formed in Nayapara refugee camp on September 19, organized by the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR) and Government of Bangladesh (GOB), according to an elder from the camp.

The CMC was formed within September 13 -19. All the refugees in the camp participated to from CMC, under the UNHCR officials to implement the election process in the camp. Two or four staffs from every NGO were participated in the election program from five NGOs as a observers and selection committees. They are: UNHCR, GOB, TAI (Technical Assistant Incorporate), ACF (Hunger for Action) and RTMI (Research Training and Management International), said a candidate who participated in the election.

In the election committee, the most responsible persons were Associate Education officer Mr. Shaun Nemorin and field assistant Mr. Salim of UNHCR.

At first, the election committee has formed a block committee with 11-person with equal rights of gender from refugee general, youth, teacher, community health worker (CHW), Iman (religious leader), Community volunteer worker (CVW). The Iman was only male and has no voting rights in the committee where other groups have provided equal gender. There are seven blocks in the camp, said a refugee teacher referring not to be named.

Among the selected 77 persons, 19 persons were re-selected for Camp Management Committee (CMC), which will carry out all the refugee affairs in the camp. Of them, one chairman, one vice-chairman and one secretary were selected by the elected committee by the votes of Block Committee Members.

The CMC is composed of two persons (male and female) from each block, one Imam, one youth, one teacher, one community volunteer, and one community health worker.

Mohamed Islam became chairman from E block, Hasina Begum became vice-chairman from Block E, and Zubair became secretary from Block-P for CMC.

Those who were participated in the election must be registered and recognized; no leadership position in past ten years: reside in the refugee camp uninterrupted: no criminal records with UNHCR/ GoB/ CIC (Camp-in-Charge): no pending criminal case; should be 25 years except  youth;  willing to serve without compensation; to accept assistance provide by UNHCR and its partners. The tenure of CMC is for two years. One candidate can participate in election two terms only, according to the guidelines book of RRRC (Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner.