Locals grab refugees’ fishing pond

Locals grab refugees’ fishing pond
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Kaladan Press

Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar: Local people from Kutupalong area grabbed two refugees’ fishing ponds yesterday, said a refugee from the Kutupalong camp.

The owners are identified as Kamal and Mohamed Alam of Kutupalong official camp.

Kamal and Mohamed Alam, UNHCR registered refugees from Kutupalong official camp, who established fishing pond bottom of hillside near the refugee camp.

“They have been projecting fishing ponds nearby refugee camp since over three years, but no any local complains about the fishing ponds as it is small and manmade ponds and streams. This year, a group of locals’ eye on it to grab and local grabbed two fishing ponds.”

Some refugees had established some fishing ponds by digging the earth for their survival bottom of the hill near the camp, said Kamal.

“In the fishing ponds, refugees provided many fishes in this year, where the locals’ eye on the ponds.”

“Seeing the fishing ponds by the locals and become greedy on the refugees’ fishing ponds, said other refugees.

Now, some refugees including owners are requesting the locals to leave the fishing ponds where the refugee worked on it for long time to success, but locals are not agreeing to leave it.

However, the refugees hope that it may clash between refugees and locals regarding the fishing ponds, if the local not leave from ponds area, said an elder from the camp.