Refugee teachers boycott to receive salary

Refugee teachers boycott to receive salary
by -
Kaladan Press

Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh: Rohingya refugee teachers have been boycotting to receive salary for three months because of not increasing salary by Research training Management International (RTMI), said a teacher from the Kutupalong camp.

“Refugee teachers demanded RTMI to increase salary 7 % annual, but RTMI refused”.

RTMI has increased salary 7% for the local teachers per year who are teaching Bangla to refugee students in the official camps.

While PHALS (NGO) worked in the camp for school, it fixed 2500 taka salary for local teachers and 1500 taka for Rohingya teachers and committed to increase 10% each year.

After 4/5 months PHALS had withdrawn their program from the camp for their internal problem. Than education programme was handed over to Research Training and Management International (RTMI), according to sources.

“In the official camp schools, Bangla curriculum, non-formal before and it introduced as formal in 2008 under the implemented partner PHALS by the support of UNICEF.”

In 2009 and 2000 all the refugee teachers including local teachers got 10% increment with bonus. Suddenly, Rohingya refugee teachers are facing without increment salary in this year, said another teacher from Kutupalong camp.

“Shaiful Alam, Project Co-ordinator (PC) said that even he does not know why this sorts of discrimination is going on upon Rohingya teachers. But others refugee workers who works others programme get 10% increment with bonus.”

However, three months have passed and no proper answer is given by any authority and NGO. But, Rohingya teachers have been waiting for their salary.

Similarly, the refugee teachers of Nayapara camp have been boycotting to receive salary for three months.