Rohingya, the phenomenal rule of kingmakers in Arakan: ARNO President

Rohingya, the phenomenal rule of kingmakers in Arakan: ARNO President
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Kaladan Press

Chittagong, Bangladesh: The president of the Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO) Nurul Islam stressed at “The Rohingya Global Day of Action” Demonstration in London on September 15 that the Rohingya have had a long glaring history, the phenomenal rule of kingmakers, their Muslim rule particularly from 1430-1531, and the recognition of their legal status as a natural citizens and indigenous people by the Burma’s parliamentary government(s) and democracy groups, according to Tun Khin, President, the Burmese Rohingya Organization UK (BROUK).

Nurul Islam, President, ARNO delivery keynote speech at “The Rohingya Global Day of Action” Demonstration in London
“On 15 September 2011, at 1200 to 130 hours, Burmese Rohingya Organization UK (BROUK) staged a demonstration as a part of “The Rohingya Global Day of Action” in front of Burmese embassy, London, United Kingdom, demanding immediate withdrawal and cessation of anti-Rohingya propaganda and human rights violations by the Burmese civilianized military regime and restitution of Rohingya’s citizenship and ethnic rights in their homeland in Burma.”

“About 200 people belonging to Burma’s ethnic nationalities and democracy movement, international human rights and advocacy groups took part in the protest to show their solidarity in condemning the concocted statements of the Thein Sein regime and its continued brutal and serious human rights violations against the ethnic Rohingya in Arakan. The speakers categorically stated that the ethnic Rohingyas are Burmese citizens and to accuse them as aliens in their own homeland is tantamount to a crime against humanity.”

Nurul Islam, the president of the Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO) stressed that the Rohingya have had a long glaring history, the phenomenal rule of kingmakers, their Muslim rule particularly from 1430-1531 in his keynote speech at “The Rohingya Global Day of Action”, according to BROUK information desk.

The other important speakers include Ring Du Lachaung from Kachin National Organisation UK, Nant Bwa Bwa Phan from Karen National Union, Ko Kyaw Zwa from Burmese Muslim Association, Anna Roberts from Burma Campaign UK, Mathew Jones from Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Ko Aung from 88 Generation, Wai Hnin Pwin Thon (daughter of the 88 Generation leader and political prisoner Ko Mya Aye) and Chin Activist and Pastor Saya Shwekey Hoipang, and representative from Burma Democratic Concern.

On 29th August and 1st September 2011, some Rohingya MPs, (all belong to USDP) asked in  Burmese parliament to redress the issues and problems being faced by the  Muslim Rohingyas -- such as restrictions on their freedom of movement, marriage, education and other socio-economic activities.  Instead of remedying such serious situation of grave human rights violations, the concerned ministers of Thein Sein regime foolishly threatened that such restrictions were necessary by accusing the Rohingya population as Bangladeshis/illegal immigrants/non-nationals. One of such irresponsible and bad-mannered ministers was former police chief U Khin Yi, the Minister of Immigration and Population. This worldwide protest was organized as a global reaction from the Rohingya communities worldwide.

Participants at “The Rohingya Global Day of Action” Demonstration in London
Asserting the recognition of Rohingya as one of the many ethnic nationalities of Burma by the international community, including the UN, 88 Generation leader Ko Aung termed it a gross injustice to reject them as Burmese nationals. Giving his eye witness account Saya Shwekey Hoipang said that the Rohingyas are the worst victims in Burma and demanded religious freedom for all peoples of the country.

The protest concluded peacefully with further demands for immediate lifting of all restrictions on the Rohingya’s freedom of movement, marriage, education and for unconditional release of all political prisoners, including Rohingya MP U Kyaw Min and his family.