Is it really alleviation of poverty in north Arakan?

Is it really alleviation of poverty in north Arakan?
by -
Kaladan Press

Maungdaw, Arakan State: The authorities of Burma’s military backed civilian government has been giving soft-loan to the local villagers of Maungdaw Township since September 12, but in other hand, they forced people to buy mobile sets with huge money to extract money, according to a local elder from Maungdaw Town who denied to be named for security reason, said a local businessman from Maungdaw town.

“The authorities of Maungdaw town went to the local villages and providing soft-loan to the villagers aiming to eliminate the poverty in the rural areas. But, the authority force the villagers to buy mobile sets each and every house with huge money. They offer villagers to pay Kyat 100,000 per set. In local market, it is very cheap to those of authority’s mobile sets.”

“The local Nasaka (Burma’s border security officer) had already ordered to the villagers in Maungdaw Township to buy mobile sets if anyone is failed to buy it, he/.she will be punished. It makes poor villagers very difficult to manage money to buy mobile set. If anyone is not willing to buy mobile set, he/she will face acute trouble by the local authority.”

This is one of the methods, the Nasaka commanders’ recently creation to extract money from Rongya villagers. It is only for six months. After six months, it may be changed according to the local Nasaka commander, as they are transferred after six months, said an aide of Nasaka.

“If the process is successful, they will get a lot of profit by selling mobile sets to the villagers. There are many villagers in Maungdaw Township.”

Besides, the police officer (OC) Than Tin of Taungbru sub-town under the Maungdaw Township has been arresting Rohingya villagers by giving false and fabricated accusations such as--- holding mobile sets or involving in money exchange, etc and extorting money from them. He was transferred to Taungbro-sub-town from Maungdaw town since two years ago and he worked as surveillance police while he was in Maungdaw. He is the native of Rambree town of Arakan State. He also secretly puts Bangala Taka and mobile sets into the shops or houses of the Rohingyas and then arrests the people. Later, the police officer released people after taking money. So, now, he becomes a rich man in the area, said a local elder who did give his name. 

At present, some of the Rohingya villagers are detained in the Taungbru Sub-town police station.

All the Nasaka commanders have been transferred from Maungdaw town since last month. In places of them, the Nasaka captains are appointed, sources said.