People face difficulty to travel in Maungdaw

People face difficulty to travel in Maungdaw
by -
Kaladan Press

Maungdaw, Arakan State: Residents from Maungdaw are facing difficulty to travel inside the town since last two months ago, said Mohamed Hashim, a resident from Maungdaw.

“People from Maungdaw south are facing more difficulty than other part of the town as the road on this route is cut off into three part and vehicles on this route are not able to run.”

“Moungdaw- Alel Thankyaw road had gone into three parts; Maungdaw-Du Nyaung Pingyi (Shaira Para); Du Nyaung Pingyi –Zaw Matat and Zaw Matat-Alel Thankyaw.”

All the route are joining with bridges from one part to another, but some of bridge are going bad condition and it had fall down for heavy load of vehicles, said  Anno, a vehicle’s owner from Maungdaw.

“The bridge of Du Nyaung Pingyi was fall down into stream on September 6, while a vehicle was carrying rations of Burma Border security force (Nasaka), but no one had taken any action for this accident.”

“If the vehicle was going for public service, the owner has to pay all the damage of bridge.”

The office of Maungdaw road construction department is working slowly on the road work which is going to effect the public transportation and the office is explaining that the budget for the road is not allocate from the upper or not receive the budget, said  Haroon, a resident from Maungdaw south.

Similarly, the route for Maungdaw north is going pothole under recent raining season where people face difficulty to travel with vehicles.

“The Maungdaw road department still block the heavy trucks to ply on the Maungdaw-Buthidaung after bridge fall down near the small tunnel at  eight mile from Maungdaw,” said a trader from Maungdaw.