Water crisis in Leda Camp

Water crisis in Leda Camp
by -
Kaladan Press

Teknaf, Bangladesh: The refugees of Leda unofficial camp have been facing an acute water crisis again since the first week of April, said a refugee leader from the camp who prefers not to be named.

Solidarity, an NGO from the United Kingdom, has not been supplying water to the camp since April. The reason is unknown.


When refugees asked about the water crisis, the concerned authorities did not reply to their questions, said a refugee leader.

There are two NGOs, Muslim Aid (UK) and Solidarity (UK), that have been working in the Leda camp. Muslim Aid works for management and medical treatment in the camp, while Solidarity is working to improve unhygienic issues, such as latrines, drainage systems, and supplying water to the camp.

There are over 12,000 refugees who have been living in Leda camp without any support or rations from any quarter.

At present, the refugees are not able to cook their food; they are even unable to take baths or to wash their clothes. In addition, they have very little drinking water.

The local people neighboring the camp disturb the refugee women and girls when they go to streams to fetch water, said a mother of three children from Leda camp.

“Most of the children are facing various skin diseases because of the water crisis and the overall unhygienic situation.”

“The weather is very hot, if we don’t get enough water or pure water from Solidarity NGO, our children will be affected by more diseases,” said another community member.