Rohingya donate for tsunami victims in Japan

Rohingya donate for tsunami victims in Japan
by -
Kaladan Press

Chittagong, Bangladesh : Rohingya who are living in Japan donated relief goods for the tsunami victims in Japan on April 4, according to an organizer from a Rohingya group.


The program was organized by the Burmese Rohingya Association in Japan (BRAJ).

“We are very happy to have a chance to donate for the tsunami victims on behalf of all Rohingya.”

“We donated several items of goods worth $4000. They are immediately useable items for the victims according to the instructions of centre officials, such as blankets, warm clothes, jackets, warming plaster, baby milk, towels, adult and child diapers, instant foods, etc.”


“We handed over all the goods at the Tatebayashi City Office, where the local government opened a donation centre on April 4 at about 10 a.m.”

“The Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh have been receiving aid from Japan since 1993. Now, it is our turn to help Japanese people when they are in a desperate situation after the powerful earthquake and tsunami. We, Rohingya around the world are praying for the victims,” Zaw Min Htut, the president of BRAJ, told the city officials who received the relief goods with thanks to the Rohingya.