Nasaka arrests villagers regarding recent car accident

Nasaka arrests villagers regarding recent car accident
by -
Kaladan Press

Burma’s border security force (Nasaka) has arrested more than twenty Rohingya villagers regarding a deadly truck accident and melee that followed on March 7 in Maungdaw Township, even though the accident was settled by the concerned authorities ...

Maungdaw, Arakan State: Burma’s border security force (Nasaka) has arrested more than twenty Rohingya villagers regarding a deadly truck accident and melee that followed on March 7 in Maungdaw Township, even though the accident was settled by the concerned authorities, said a local businessman who declined to be named.

In the accident, a Rohingya youth was killed, and the concerned authorities paid 2.1 million kyats as compensation to the victim’s parents. The case was considered to be settled by the authorities, he added.

“The Rohingya youth, Sadam Hussain (18), son of Fozu, who hailed from Ngakura Village of Maungdaw Township, was killed in that accident by a General Engineering military unit truck while he was walking along the village road.”

After the accident, nearby villagers rushed to the spot and seized the truck and the two army men, and also destroyed parts of the truck and two motorbikes belonging to the GE military unit.  A group of Nasaka personnel from Nasaka Area No. 5 went to the spot and clashed with the angry villagers. However, the situation was brought under control.

“The TPDC Chairman Aung Kyaw Oo also called some of the village elders and advised them not to allow such impolite behavior in future,” said a village authority member.

“Four days after the accident, Nasaka personnel from Naska Area No. 5 led by Major Kyi Hlaing began arresting villagers over allegations that they had participated in stoning the truck and attacking the officers. So far, over 20 villagers have been arrested and detained in the Nasaka camp. The Nasaka is asking 150,000 to 500,000 kyats per person to be set free from custody.”

“Besides, the Nasaka is also trying to arrest another 20 villagers regarding the truck accident to extort money. The Nasaka is attempting to extort more than three times the amount of money which was paid to the parents of the victim as compensation,” said a village elder who prefers not to be named.

The Nasaka also dropped two villagers from their family list when they failed to arrest them. They are identified as Maulana Shamshu and another villager.

A village trader said, “The matter was settled between villagers and the GE military unit. Why is the Nasaka now attempting to arrest villagers?”

The TPDC Chairman gave 200,000 kyats, the Regional Development Association (RDA) Chairman Mohibullah of Maungdaw paid 400,000 kyats, and the GE military commander gave 1.5 million kyats to the parents of the victim as compensation.