Kachin News Group

Burma's ruling military junta has resumed its state-project of growing castor oil trees (Jatropha curcas) for biofuel production by using local...
Gold mining areas in Nam San Yang village, 50 miles southeast of Myitkyina, in Waingmaw Township has been temporarily halted by Burmese military...
Even six weeks after Cyclone Nargis devastated parts of Burma, basic relief materials still have not reached the affected areas. Neither has basic...
A Buddhist pagoda is being constructed by the Burmese ruling junta in a stronghold of the ethnic Kachin Christian armed rebels in Kachin State in...
The Burmese Army in Kachin State, Northern Burma has been seizing herds of cattle for despatch to Cyclone Nargis-hit rice-growing Irrawaddy River...
An artillery battalion of the Burmese army confiscated a herd of cattle from local merchants in the name of collecting funds for the cyclone-hit...
Chinese oil dealers in Myitkyina Township the capital of Kachin State in Northern Burma are being fleeced by the police, who are extorting money from...
The Burmese soldier, providing security to Chinese inspectors at the Myitsone dam project of the Burma-Asia World Co., Lt. in Irrawaddy River...
Though the Burmese military junta has introduced free school education at the primary level, it has left the schools and its teachers in the lurch...
All jade miners in Phakant in Kachin State , northern Burma have to contribute to the fund for Cyclone Nargis victims in the devastated Irrawaddy...
In what smacks of racism ethnic Kachin students in Northern Burma were discriminated against during the countrywide government high school...
A Burmese soldier went berserk and shot dead two of his senior officers and injured one yesterday at about 9 p.m. local time. The soldier was posted...
Extensive deforestation in Kachin State in northern Burma is gradually increasing even as it threatens to have an adverse impact on the farmers of...
Marking the World Environment Day, ethnic Christians in northern Burma planted hundreds of saplings in church compounds and its surroundings, local...
Many people and organinsations outside the ambit of the Burmese military regime have come forward to help cyclone victims given the regime's...
