Kachin Party will register before the water festival

Kachin Party will register before the water festival
by -
Seng Mai
Kachin State Progressive Party, which intends to contest the 2010 polls in Burma, will register as a political party before Burmese traditional waster festival holding,....

Kachin State Progressive Party, which intends to contest the 2010 polls in Burma, will register as a political party before Burmese traditional waster festival holding, Dr. Tu Ja, the chairman of KSPP, said.

KSPP has already organized 3,000 members. Total of 5 members including Dr. Tu Ja (chairman), vice-chairman and secretary will go to Naypyidaw for party registration, Dr. Tu Ja said to BNI.

"At least 5 people will go to Naypyidaw for party registration. We will meet with election commission. After registration, we will have a central committee meeting. We will discuss with members for future plans."

He explained the aim of KSPP, a representative party of Kachin State, contests in 2010 polls.

"There will be a government in Kachin State after election. We will work for Kachin nationalities. We would like to urge all people in Kachin State to help us instead of only thinking about our ethnic, and our interests," Dr. Tu Ja said.

Currently, KSPP headquarter is opening in Myitkyina, Kachin State. A branch office is opening in Muse, northern Shan State. After party registration, branch offices will be opened in other areas where the party's organizing trip has been done.

KSPP has done the organizing trips in Myitkyina, Ta-Naing, Phakant, Puta-O, Moh Nyin, Moh Kaung, and Bhamo since January.

Some central committee members of KSPP analyst that the organizing trips were successful because the party has gained the supports of local Kachin people.

There are different views, opinions and perceptions on KSPP and 2010 election among different social classes or mass people in Kachin State.

"Army will win in this election. Army will take the country's power. Anyway, people will be suffered," Zau Hseng Aung, a Kachin youth and Myitkyina's local, said.

"I don't know exactly. I don't observe about election because government stuffs are not allowed to participate in it," a school headmaster from Myitkyina said.

"I'm interested in it. This is my first time in my life to vote in election. However, this poll will not only be free and fair but also there is nothing come out from the poll," a Kachin woman expressed her opinion.

Last Monday, National League for Democracy (NLD) party officially announced that NLD would not register in election commission because of election would be no free and fair.

KSPP responded to the NLD's decision of not to register in election commission.

"I think, there will be many reasons for NLD which decides not to register. We want all political parties contest in election," Dr. Tu Ja said.

However, Du Wa Zau Aung, a member of NLD party, said that KSPP should not contest in the poll because this poll will not produce a good result for Kachin people.

"I would say to all Kachin people that it doesn't need 2010 election for Kachin people. It doesn't need to consider about the election because of nothing benefits for the people. I think that KSPP also should not contest in the 2010 poll," Du Wa Zau Aung said.

Until March 23, total of 11 parties have been registered for contesting in coming election.