Kachin Baptist youth meet on right and wrong stand

Kachin Baptist youth meet on right and wrong stand
Given the political imbroglio in military-ruled Burma, a Kachin Baptist youth leaders' meeting in Sadung in northern Kachin State focussed on the sense of right or wrong judgment, said participants...

Given the political imbroglio in military-ruled Burma, a Kachin Baptist youth leaders' meeting in Sadung in northern Kachin State focussed on the sense of right or wrong judgment, said participants.

The three-day meeting is being held in Sadung Bumg Kachin Baptist Church in Waingmaw Township since October 21. It will conclude today, said participants.

The meeting topic "...You must be as cautious as snakes and as gentle as doves", which is quoted from Matthew 10:16 in the Bible, had all participants being taught the Bible. There were discussions among the participants, said N'Hkum Tang Gun, youth director of the Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC) who organized the meeting.

It was also the topic of the 10th KBC's Youth Sunday on October 11 held in all KBC churches in the country, said local church sources.

The topic was selected by the KBC youth department. It is aimed to encourage Kachin youth to be able to see and judge what is right and what is wrong in their daily lives, where total confusion and uncertainty prevails. So one has to be "as cautious as snakes and as gentle as doves," said youth director Tang Gun.

The youth leaders said it is time to decide what is right or wrong cleverly and gently, and stand for what is right, said  the organizers.

Youth leaders told KNG, they are extremely confused with the uncertain political leadership of Burma' ruling junta and the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) for the Kachin people.

Kachin people are confused regarding Kachin participation in the junta’s 2010 elections. It is being debated whether it is right or wrong because some Kachin politicians are preparing to contest the elections and some are opposing it".

On the other hand, KIO, which demanded self-determination for Kachins for over 48 years, supported the junta’s National Convention for drafting the country's new constitution and the constitutional referendum against its people's wishes and pro-democracy organizations, after it signed a ceasefire agreement with the junta in 1994.

At the moment, the KIO is yet to accept transforming the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), the military branch of KIO to the Burmese Army-controlled Border Guard Force.  It has finally demanded the recognition of the Panglong Agreement. However some Kachin people have doubts about KIO's credibility.

The Kachin Baptist youth leaders in the meeting felt, "Good leaders are needed for Kachin’s liberation".

The Sadung Bum Kachin Baptist Youth leaders' meeting had around 200 Kachin Baptist youth leaders and youth preachers from the churches under the KBC in the country, said participants.

Such a meeting is held every three years in different place, according to KBC Youth Department.