Children’s death after fall from bridge ignored

Children’s death after fall from bridge ignored
Apathetic Burmese military junta authorities have been ignoring the rise in the number of children dying after falling from the Balaminhtin Irrawaddy River Bridge in Kachin State's capital Myitkyina in northern Burma, alleged local sources...

Apathetic Burmese military junta authorities have been ignoring the rise in the number of children dying after falling from the Balaminhtin Irrawaddy River Bridge in Kachin State's capital Myitkyina in northern Burma, alleged local sources.
Zen Nu Nu MaiThere have been several instances of children falling into the river and dying when they stepped on the concrete plates covering the large gaps between steel poles along the bridge between the road meant for cars and for pedestrians on the bridge, said residents of Myitkyina.
On July 18 at about 8 p.m. local time, five year-old Seng Nu Nu Mai (or Myint Myat Thet Paing), daughter of the Zen Computer shop owner in Myitkyina--- Labang Naw Zen Awng and Daw Hla Hla Thet (or Marip Ja Mai Lu) died after falling from the bridge into the Irrawaddy River (also called Mali Hka in Kachin) when she stepped on a concrete plate on the floor between the poles of the bridge, said family sources.
That evening, Seng Nu Nu Mai and her parents went to the bridge for a walk. Seng Nu Nu Mai fell down while the parents walked along the pedestrian pathway on the bridge, added family sources.
The body of Seng Nu Nu Mai could not be traced. However, a Christian traditional funeral service was held in her home in Sama Compound, E-ya Quarter in Myitkyina on July 25, according to mourners.
More than four children have died after stepping on the concrete plates, which are crumbling since the bridge was inaugurated in November 1998, according to residents of Myitkyina.
Local residents said that the local junta officials are stationed on both ends of the bridge to collect tax and take bribes from vehicles and people crossing over, but they have not taken any preventive action to prevent the deaths. They have neither put up warning posters nor built suitable fences.
The news of the death of Seng Nu Nu Mai after falling into the Irrawaddy River from the bridge has spread widely in Myitkyina. The people in the town are mourning with her parents, said local residents.

Large gaps on the pedestrian pathway on the Balaminhtin Irrawaddy River Bridge in Myitkyina from where a number of children have fallen to their death.   Balaminhtin Irrawaddy River Bridge which connects Myitkyina and Waingmaw