Kachin ceasefire group leaders to meet Burma's ruling junta

Kachin ceasefire group leaders to meet Burma's ruling junta
Leaders of the two ethnic Kachin ceasefire groups' in Burma's northern Kachin State arrived in the state's capital Myitkyina two days ago to meet the junta's Northern Command commander Brig-Gen Soe Win, said local sources...

Leaders of the two ethnic Kachin ceasefire groups' in Burma's northern Kachin State arrived in the state's capital Myitkyina two days ago to meet the junta's Northern Command commander Brig-Gen Soe Win, said local sources. On the meeting’s agenda is the role the groups will play in next year’s general election.

The meeting will be between the Northern Command commander Brig-Gen Soe Win and leaders and brigade commanders of the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO), its armed-wing the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the New Democratic Army-Kachin (NDA-K). They have been specially invited to join the meeting, said KIO/A and NDA-K sources.

The official meeting will begin tomorrow but KIO/A leaders and Burmese military officials of the Northern Command headquarters based in Myitkyina began preliminary interaction last night, KIO sources said.

The discussions at the meeting will revolve around the roles of Kachin ceasefire groups during the country-wide elections next year. It will also feature discussions on forming political parties in the country, which will be authorized very soon by the junta, said KIO and NDA-K sources.

Early this month before the Buddhist Water Festival in the country, Maj-Gen Thar Aye, a new commander of No. 1 Bureau of Special Operation based in Mandalay met senior leaders of the KIO/A, NDA-K and Kachin Defense Army (KDA) based in Northeast Shan State, said sources among Kachin ceasefire groups.

The KIO/A sources added, the KIO/A's delegation will be led by Lt-Gen Gauri Zau Seng, Vice-president No. I.

All Kachin ceasefire groups support the junta's seven-step roadmap to so-called disciplined democracy in the country. They have also approved the referendum on the junta-centered new constitution of the country in May last year against the wishes of the Kachin people.

Under the leadership and support of the Kachin Nationals' Consultative Assembly (KNCA) and the two main Kachin ceasefire groups--- KIO/A and NDA-K, the Kachin State Progressive Party (KSPP) was formed to contest the 2010 elections by the Kachin State Interim Committee early this year.

The party is now biding its time to register as an official political party when the junta authorizes formation of political parties to contest the ensuing 2010 general elections, said Dr. Manam Tu Ja, the chairman of Kachin State Interim Committee.

However, the NDA-K and KIO/A will not surrender their weapons until the completion of the seven-step roadmap next year because their demand in the last Nyaung Napyin National Convention for autonomy of Kachin State was completely ignored by the junta, said KIO/A and NDA-K leaders.