Kachins hold Centenary celebrations on American Baptist mission

Kachins hold Centenary celebrations on American Baptist mission
Ethnic Kachins in northern Burma is holding their Centenary celebrations on American Baptist mission for three days, stared on December 29 and ended on December 31, said people in the celebrations...

Ethnic Kachins in northern Burma is holding their Centenary celebrations on American Baptist mission for three days, stared on December 29 and ended on December 31, said people in the celebrations.

The celebrations are given 'Thanks to God' on the 100th anniversary of founding village, school and Baptist missions of Wing Hkam (Win Hkam) in Lweje city also called Loije in Kachin in Bhamo district by Baptist followers of Wing Hkam, said village's pastor Rev. Myitung Tu Ja.

Actually, the centenary date will be fallen on February 3, 2009 but the celebrations are held two months earlier, said Wing Hkam Baptist Church's sources.

According to the church, Wing Hkam village, village school and Baptist missions were founded by an American Baptist missionary Rev. Dr. H. J. Robert with a Kachin pastor Rev. Damau Naw on February 3, 1909 before Burma's Independence from British colony on January 4, 1947.

The development of village, church and school were then led by the two Kachin pastors--- Rev. Myitung Naw Tawng and Rev. Din Rin Naw, added Rev. Myitung Tu Ja of Wing Hkam Baptist Church.

Today, Wing Hkam Baptist church has 52 Baptist families with over 200 followers. The church is in Loije Kachin Baptist Church under Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC), which is organized by over 400 thousands followers in the whole Burma, said KBC sources.Kachin traditional Manau Dance marks 'Centenary celebrations' of Wing Hkam village in Lweje city on December 30, 2008.

On three days celebrations, all villagers, hundreds of invited people and KBC pastors from different areas of Burma are attending the celebrations and the Kachin traditional Manau Dance Festival called "Jaw Wunli Manau" meaning 'Centenary Blessings Manau' dance on December 30 and 31 as the first time in the village, according to celebrations program.

First American Baptist missionaries to Kachins in Burma started in 1877 under the British colony rule and the Centenary Anniversary of Kachin Baptist Missions was held in 1977 in Nawng Nang village, 10 miles north of Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin state in northern Burma by KBC.