Border Trade Restriction In Loije Puts Businessmen In A Spot

Border Trade Restriction In Loije Puts Businessmen In A Spot
Businessmen in Loije, Bhamo District, Kachin State are in a spot following restriction in border trade by the Burmese military junta authorities...

Businessmen in Loije, Bhamo District, Kachin State are in a spot following restriction in border trade by the Burmese military junta authorities.

"These days it has become difficult to trade in Chinese goods through Burmese check points. The only goods that are allowed to pass through the gates are items on which there is a trade agreement between the two countries," a businessman told KNG.

In the past, border trade continued without a hitch by paying some amount of money to soldiers manning the gates. However, these days the story is different and a deal cannot be struck by just paying money for goods to be traded easily.

It is only recently, that the army in Loije has imposed severe restrictions. Burma army's Infantry Battalion (IB or Kha-La-Ya) No. 74 was replaced by Burma army's Light Infantry Battalion (LIB or Kha Ma Ya) No. 348. Such restrictions come about every three or six months, a resident said.

It has severely impacted businessmen in the area. The obstacles to China-Burma border trade are mainly because of the new battalion's sudden and inexplicable move to restrict border trade, a resident added.