Junta cheats students of prize money

Junta cheats students of prize money
The Burmese ruling junta's dependence on deceit knows no bounds. It has stooped to cheat even students. The regime had announced that it would award a prize of 100,000 Kyat (US $ 84) for distinction marks for ...

The Burmese ruling junta's dependence on deceit knows no bounds. It has stooped to cheat even students. The regime had announced that it would award a prize of 100,000 Kyat (US $ 84) for distinction marks for each subject in the tenth standard final examinations this year. It ended up awarding just 10,000 Kyat (US $ 8).
The junta invited the students at the end of August to attend the prize giving ceremony at the country's new capital, Naypyidaw. Earlier the Burmese government had announced over radio that it would give 100,000 Kyat for distinction marks (D) in each subject, said a student in Myitkyina.

"I scored three D's in the examinations and government had announced that it would give 100,000 Kyat for each 'D' but I just received 10,000 Kyat for one D", said a student who came back from the prize giving ceremony in Naypyidaw.
According to a parent, the prize was given to students of parents who are in government service in the Customs Department of the Ministry of Finance and Revenue, a student added.
 "There were nearly 45 students out of over 50 who attended the ceremony and all were daughters or the sons of government servants," said a parent who recently came from Naypyidaw.
She continued that almost all parents who came back from the ceremony were angry with the junta because they were cheated. The regime also cut transportation costs, and gave less than what was promised.'
"We received 60,000 Kyat (US $ 51) for our round trip from Myitkyina to Naypyidaw".
According to a high school teacher, the students who received distinction marks in the examinations were also awarded by their school while other high schools have awarded small amount of money to students.