China donates rice to KIO

China donates rice to KIO
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Kachin News Group
In an unusual gesture China donated rice to residents in Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) controlled areas in cooperation with the Development of Border Areas and National Races (Na-Ta-La) of the Burmese ruling junta in early August, a source said.

In an unusual gesture China donated rice to residents in Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) controlled areas in cooperation with the Development of Border Areas and National Races (Na-Ta-La) of the Burmese ruling junta in early August, a source said.

Monitored by Colonel Tun Aung and Captain Aung Ko Ko of the Na-Ta-La, the KIO accepted the rice and distributed it to residents in KIO controlled areas, said a KIO official.

"Actually, what we know is that the rice was donated by the United Nations (UN) and the Chinese took the responsibility of giving it to us through the Na-Ta-La", a KIO official told KNG this morning.

A meeting between the Burmese ruling junta and the KIO was held in June prior to receiving the rice. The KIO gave the junta a list of residents. And Na-Ta-La handed over the rice to the KIO in accordance with the list, he added.

The rice was transported from the border of Sadung (Sadon), Laiza and Loi Je to the KIO controlled area. The rice was distributed not only to Kachins but also others like ethnic Shan and Burmese in the KIO controlled area, according to KIO official.

"It is unusual. While China has made some donations in the past but it has never been like this. One can say that this is the first time," said a KIO official.

The rice was given to residents between the ages of five and 12 years and over 18. Those between 13 and 17 did not receive the rice. About 12 Pyi (1 Pyi = 8 condensed milk cans) of rice was given to each person. Five students in each family received one sack of rice.

"We are really happy to receive the rice and it will be really useful for the residents in the KIO controlled area. We feel such donation leads to more trust on the KIO by outsiders", KIO official said.