Non-Buddhist students must accept Buddhism in Na-Ta-La school in Putao

Non-Buddhist students must accept Buddhism in Na-Ta-La school in Putao
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Kachin News Group
All non-Buddhist students in the school of Development of Border Areas and National Races (Na-Ta-La) under the Burmese ruling junta must accept Buddhism first before they are admitted as boarder students in Na-Ta-La school in Putao in Northern Burma, local sources said.

All non-Buddhist students in the school of Development of Border Areas and National Races (Na-Ta-La) under the Burmese ruling junta must accept Buddhism first before they are admitted as boarder students in Na-Ta-La school in Putao in Northern Burma, local sources said.

In Christian-dominated Putao district in Kachin State, local Christian students must fill in Buddhism as their religion in school application forms for both residing and studying in the Na-Ta-La school as a boarder, local Christian sources told KNG.

According to a resident of Kawng Kahtawng quarter in Putao city where Na-Ta-La school is located, there are now about 60 students in the Na-Ta-La school but they are mainly Rawang, Lisu and some Jinghpaw tribes in Kachin, and Shans.  Except Burmans and Shans, the rest of the native people are Christians in the district.

Since last year, outside boarders have attended the Na-Ta-La school. The boarders are offered free education and boarding fees by the junta, said local people.

The rules for school boarders, makes it mandatory for all students practice Buddhist laws in the morning and evening, everyday as well as participate in every religious ceremony in local Buddhist monasteries, the sources close to the school said.

Moreover, all schoolboys as boarders must novitiate in the Buddhist Order as monks (Koyins) and all schoolgirls must novitiate in the Buddhist Order as nuns (Maythila) during every traditional Water Festival also called Thingyan on Buddhist New Year in April, the locals added.  All boarders cannot go back to their homes during school holidays.

Outstanding native students from Na-Ta-La school in Putao are also given a chance to join the junta's military Officer Training School (OTS) in Pyin-Oo-Lwin (Maymyo), sources close to school said.

In Putao, Na-Ta-La school was opened in 2004 and the school has been promoted from primary to middle school level since last year.  All school teachers who teach in the Na-Ta-La school are from government schools, said locals.

Currently in Kachin State, native Kachin Christians in Putao district and Hukawng (Hugawng) Valley are the areas where Burmanization and Buddhism is being promoted by Burma's ruling junta, according to local Christian sources.

Na-Ta-La schools under the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs have opened in 18 areas especially ethnic minority areas and the areas controlled by ethnic ceasefire groups throughout the country.