Former Kachin state commander destroys documents of his tenure

Former Kachin state commander destroys documents of his tenure
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Kachin News
In a surreptitious move the Burmese military junta's former Northern Command or Kachin state Commander Maj-Gen. Ohn Myint destroyed all documents pertaining to his tenure before leaving the state in June on being transferred, local sources said.

In a surreptitious move the Burmese military junta's former Northern Command or Kachin state Commander Maj-Gen. Ohn Myint destroyed all documents pertaining to his tenure before leaving the state in June on being transferred, local sources said.

All documents related to finance and other important papers related to his period, in the office of the Kachin State Peace and Development Council (Pa-Ya-Ka) in Myitkyina Township, the capital of Kachin state were checked and burnt by the office staff even as the commander's men kept an eye, said Pa-Ya-Ka sources.

There is no document relating to former Commander Maj-Gen Ohn Myint's tenure in the Pa-Ya-Ka office. All documents were destroyed as soon as he was transferred from Kachin state, according to sources close to Pa-Ya-Ka.

It is not unusual that the former Commander Ohn Myint destroyed his documents as his four predecessors did the same before they departed from Kachin state, sources added.

Maj-Gen. Ohn Myint successfully pressurized the main Kachin ceasefire group, Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) to change its neutral stand and support the referendum on the country's new constitution during his tenure in Kachin state.

Maj-Gen. Ohn Myint was promoted to Commander of No. (1) Bureau of Special Operation or Commander of Special Operation for Northern Burma of the Burmese ruling junta.

Maj-Gen. Ohn Myint ruled Kachin state from the middle of 2005 to June, 2008.  He earned praised as a loyalist except when he was drunk by junta supremo Senior General Than Shwe.