Junta continues to restrict aid workers from helping cyclone victims

Junta continues to restrict aid workers from helping cyclone victims
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Kachin News Group
Even six weeks after Cyclone Nargis devastated parts of Burma, basic relief materials still have not reached the affected areas. Neither has basic assessment of needs been made. But the Burmese military regime continues to restrict aid workers from going in to help the victims.

Even six weeks after Cyclone Nargis devastated parts of Burma, basic relief materials still have not reached the affected areas. Neither has basic assessment of needs been made. But the Burmese military regime continues to restrict aid workers from going in to help the victims.

Private donors in Rangoon (Yangon), former capital of the country are still finding it difficult to assess the needs of the cyclone victims given the restriction by the authorities. Even donors who have bought relief material and are ready to move to affected areas cannot go, a private donor in Rangoon said.

“Though we wanted to go to the devastated Irrawaddy River Delta, but getting permission from the authorities was difficult and we couldn't wait for the permission so we just went to help the cyclone victims in the Rangoon area,” said a private donor

Many people and organizations have been helping cyclone victims in Bogalay but they did not see much relief work being done by the regime authorities, said a volunteer aid worker who recently came back from Bogalay.

“What I saw was there is still need for basic assessment of the requirement of cyclone victims. Because of the support of private donors and Christian organizations the victims could have daily food,” said a volunteer aid worker.

Meanwhile, herds of cattle have been seized for despatch to Cyclone Nargis-hit Irrawaddy River Delta and collection of rice continues ostensibly in the name of the Nargis fund by the Burmese authorities in Kachin State.