Junta photographs misery of cyclone victims

Junta photographs misery of cyclone victims
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Kachin News Group
Photographs that reveal the misery of the cyclone victims are being taken by the Burmese military junta authorities in Waingmaw (Wai Maw) Township in Kachin State in northern Burma, a source said.

Photographs that reveal the misery of the cyclone victims are being taken by the Burmese military junta authorities in Waingmaw (Wai Maw) Township in Kachin State in northern Burma, a source said.

On the orders of the Waingmaw Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC), residents of a village came to the office of the Village Peace and Development Council (VPDC) for photographs that show their miserable condition, said a resident of Waingmaw Township.

The authorities in the village have arranged to take photographs in front of the national flag which is in half mast on the pole. The residents have to stand in front of the flag to express their grief following the cyclone, a resident added.

Every village has to send three photographs to the TPDC office. Though the authorities have taken photographs, they have not yet made any donation to the victims of Nargis.

Meanwhile, the Wai Maw TPDC has called a meeting today to make a donation for the cyclone victims and will decide that every household in town would have to donate.   But a final decision is yet to be taken.

Burma's state media has said about 78,000 people have died and 56,000  are missing since the May 2-3 cyclone lashed Irrawaddy River Delta but the United Nations (UN) estimates that more than 100,000 people have died.