Junta explains voting system in Myitkyina

Junta explains voting system in Myitkyina
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Kachin News Group
Hectic preparations are underway by the Burmese military junta authorities for the ensuing referendum. They are working on the voting system and held a meeting yesterday in Tatkone (Dapkawng) quarter in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State in northern Burma, a source said.

Hectic preparations are underway by the Burmese military junta authorities for the ensuing referendum. They are working on the voting system and held a meeting yesterday in Tatkone (Dapkawng) quarter in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State in northern Burma, a source said.
The meeting was held at the Sanpya primary school in Tatkone quarter on the orders of the quarter authorities and two persons from each household were forced to attend the meeting.
"We were forced to attend the meeting and two people from our home had to attend it," said a participant. "In the meeting, the authorities told us about the voting system.  Mostly they told us about 'right mark (–)' for 'Yes' vote but did not talk much about the 'cross mark (X) for 'No' vote," he added.
According to the government run New Light of Myanmar dated April 9, 2008, the junta has officially set the date for the country's referendum to approve the constitution for May 10, 2008.
On the other hand, the Burmese military regime has also told the polling booth commissions to take care of the polling booths and to monitor it at a meeting in the office of Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC or Ma-Ya-Ka) in Waingmaw and Myitkyina.