Quiet confiscation of unlicensed motorcycles during examinations

Quiet confiscation of unlicensed motorcycles during examinations
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Kachin News Group
Unlicensed Chinese motorcycles have been silently confiscated by the authorities in Myitkyina Township, the capital of Kachin State after the tenth standard examinations began this week, a resident in Myitkyina said.

Unlicensed Chinese motorcycles have been silently confiscated by the authorities in Myitkyina Township, the capital of Kachin State after the tenth standard examinations began this week, a resident in Myitkyina said.
"The traffic police were confiscating the unlicensed motorbikes in town with the tenth standard examination beginning. I have seen many traffic policemen busy seizing motorcycles everyday but now it has stopped," said a resident.
During the tenth standard examinations, students from other towns who came to sit for the tests in Myitkyina have to stay and study in the school as a preparation period for the examinations.
According to a teacher in town, Kachin State commander Maj-Gen Ohn Myint donated petrol to the school for running generators while the students prepare for their examinations. The reason behind supporting the students is that commander Ohn Myint wants the highest number of students to pass the tenth standard examinations compared to other states and divisions.
The students have already finished two subjects. Some students said that they did not fare well in yesterday's English examination, a teacher added.