Second round of UN aid reaches Laiza

Second round of UN aid reaches Laiza
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Desperately needed basic food rations has finally reached some of the internally displaced around the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) headquarters of Laiza.

This Monday, a 17-truck United Nations convoy from the capital of Myitkyina arrived in the headquarters squatting on the China border in Burma’s northern Kachin state. It was only the second round of deliveries since December of 2011. Rations are being distributed to Je Yang, Laiza No. 3 and Woichyai IDP camps. Supplies have also been sent to several IDP schools, according to Laiza based IDP relief groups. The first convoy arrived in Laiza on Sept. 7.  


Households received basic food rations, nutrition packs, kitchen items and tools for construction, said a KIO officer assisting the UN aid delivery. Camp residents reported that they received 13.5 Kilo of rice, 1.8 Kilo of split chickpea, 0.9 Kilo of oil, 0.15 Kilo of salt and 1.9 Kilo of nutrition cream. The supplies are estimated to last a month with no future deliveries confirmed at the time of press.

Daw Sai Sai of the World Food Programme, one of the organizations under the UN, told the Kachin News Group that they will return to Hpunglum Yang camp next week for a third round of deliveries, but other than that nothing else is planned.
“Now rations have been distributed to three camps,” she said.
Aid was also provided by UN organizations that included the UNHCR, OCHA, and UNICEP. MSF and ACTED were also involved.

There is about 18,000 IDPs living in four camps around Laiza relying largely on support from churches and donations from private individuals and organizations, according to the Laiza based KIO Refugee and IDP Relief Committee (RIRC).

The latest delivery came on the heels of a visit by UN Secretary-General’s special envoy to Burma Vijay Nambiar on August 28.