Kachin refugees worry Chinese authorities will force them move

Kachin refugees worry Chinese authorities will force them move
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Kachin living in internally displaced person (IDP) camps in Nongdao, China, are worried as rumors are circulating that authorities will make them move across the border to Manwing in Kachin State.

Illegal Kachin refugees in Lah Ying in China's Yunnan province.According to a person in charge of the camp, the 900 residents may have to move to Lana Zup IDPs Camp which is controlled by Kachin Independence Army (KIA) Brigade 5.

Although Chinese authorities didn’t issue a letter or send an official to give notification of the move suspicions are mounting they are preparing a new camp in Kachin State, according to Nongdao IDPs Camp Committee member Hkun Htun.

“Lana Zup camp committee members received an order to prepare for a new camp in the area for 900 refugees who will arrive soon,” said Hkun Htun.

In the first week of July Chinese authorities ordered residents of Yang Lu and Law Hpai camps to move to Lana Zup Camp in Kachin State. But the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) successful negotiated with Chinese officials to allow camp residents to stay in China.

Until they receive more information, the camp committee doesn't know if they should prepare for the move or not, said Zau Bawk, a committee leader.

“We are taken by surprise by these new rumors. Neither the KIO or Chinese authorities have provided us with any information regarding this situation,” said Zau Bawk.

Whether or not the rumors are true Nongdao camp residents are becoming increasingly concerned about what the future holds for themselves and their families.