Three teenaged Chinese girls raped and killed by Burmese soldiers

Three teenaged Chinese girls raped and killed by Burmese soldiers
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In an outrageous and brutal act that is likely to have severe repercussions, three teenaged Chinese girls were gang-raped and killed on October 27 by Burmese Army troops in Northern Shan State, Burma, said sources close to the victims.


The Chinese citizens were all about 18 years old, and they were raped and killed in their village Nam She Pa in Muse district, said sources close to the women.

Burmese soldiers from Infantry Battalion No. 290 under the Lashio-based Northeastern Regional Command committed the crime, added the sources.

On October 25, the same government troops entered Kawng Hka village, located between Nam Tau and Mongpaw, and slaughtered domestic animals belonging villagers without asking for permission, villagers reported.

In addition, the troops also looted all the belongings of a family after they failed to provide the chicken demanded by soldiers.

The family was taking care of their three-day old infant when the government troops barged in and demanded the chicken, according to sources close to the family.