First KIA military base in N. Shan State falls

First KIA military base in N. Shan State falls
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The first Kachin Independence Army (KIA) base in Northern Shan State fell under control of the Burma Army on Sunday, since the outbreak of civil war in early June, KIA officials said.

KIA brigade officers confirmed to the Kachin News Group the Daknai-based KIA Battalion 9, led by Major Mahkaw La Ring, under the Loikang-based Brigade 4, was captured during two days of fighting by troops of the Burma Army’s Magway-based Light Infantry Division (LID) No. 88 and the Meiktila-based LID No. 99.

Two KIA soldiers including a lieutenant were killed by a government mortar shell, said KIA officers.

Dozens of government soldiers were killed and nearly 100 were injured in the heavy fighting, according to KIA officers at the frontlines.

The KIA withdrew from the Daknai base because of non-stop 120 mm mortar shelling by government troops, said battalion officers.

Heavy fighting occurred Sunday between Burmese troops and Namtu-based KIA’s Battalion No. 8 near Namhai, in Mandung sub-township, said KIA officers.

Five KIA soldiers died and dozens of government troops were killed and injured, said sources from KIA Battalion 8. Finally, the government military column withdrew from the area, added a KIA officer.

The Burmese government launched the storm-offensive by over 1,000 troops against three KIA battalions--- No. 2, No. 8 and No. 9, near the Brigade 4 command area in Northern Shan State, Saturday, Sept. 24.

KIA officers said the fighting will increase in Northern Shan State in the coming days after the fall of Battalion 9.

Currently, people in the war zone are fleeing to safe areas near the China border. At Mongkoe, across from China’s Manghai, Chinese soldiers and Border Guard Force troops are preventing Kachin and Shan IDPs from entering China.